I'm talking about a very BIG blessing coming our way this year. I tested positive last night. No, no, not coke or meth. I'm having a baby again meaning I'll be a mother for the third time. The thought excites and scares me at the same time. We haven't planned on this one, but we need to be ready for him/her. Scary thought but a most welcome gift. Now we have to cut back on our spending and save as much as we could. I underwent CS the last time so I am expecting that I'll undergo the same procedure. Do the math and you instantly have a P60,000 looming hospital debt. Good thing my husband has doctors (a surgeon and OB) for relatives so we don't need to worry about the bills (well, at least for the professional fee). I just thank God that I am employed when this happened, otherwise I would deliver this baby via kumadrona inside our room. Ok, I am exaggerating because husband is a good provider. However, we still need MORE than what we are earning right now if we want a comfortable life for our kids, and ourselves na rin.
Anyhow, we already have a name in case it turns out to be a boy. We will call him Datu in keeping with the theme of giving our children Pinoy names. If was thinking of calling my baby Maya if it turns out to be a girl but then, my kumare beat me to it (She already gave birth last December altho hers spells Maia) so we have to decide on another one. Any suggestion?
Why do Filipinos have mirrors on their desks?
10 years ago
Kens, name her Luningning or Tala (like a star).....hehhehehehe.....just a suggestion though
hahaha Luningning...Im sure my husband would be very opposed to it. But Tala is a good one..hmmm. I should bring it up to my husband.
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