I can't say that 2008 was a good year for us (although those bunch of foretellers predicted otherwise). This year proved to be tough and rough not only for me but for my whole family as well. Perhaps the only memorable thing that happened to me in 2008 was my trip in Paris and our vacation in Cebu at the start of the year. It was downhill from there.
I lost my job (uhmm well I resigned from my job) in March. It took me a while to accept that fact although I keep insisting to my husband that it's all good. Truth is, there are still pangs of regret whenever I look back and count all the years I spent working in the newspaper.
Lesson learned from this experience: Stand up for what you believe in. Not everybody may agree with you; in fact, there will be some who will leave you hanging BECAUSE of your beliefs. But in the end, you'll be so proud of yourself that you did. I am.
I got another job the same month that I put down the pen and paper. I moved to the other side of the fence. I didn't like it since day one. It wasn't what I wanted to do nor was it something that I wanted to learn. I guess it's not always true that you will grow to love something as days go by. Of course we all know what happened next. I resigned after only a month. I told myself that maybe I needed to relax a bit, to ponder on my decisions, and that's what I did. I just stayed home, took care of the kids, cooked meals, and polished my parenting skills for a month. Then it became two months...three months..four months..until it dragged on. Finally, I realized that I was already jobless for five months (except for the times when I did freelance writing jobs for my former boss and an NGO). I was desperate and so I finally put up myself in the job market. There were offers, yes, but nothing that I was really interested in. It was as if I was a fresh grad again. I had to learn how to write a resume, to dress up for interviews, and find my way thru the LRT and MRT (oh yes, I am a cheapie. I don't ride the taxi except when it's entirely necessary). Then an opportunity came. I knew I wanted to work for this company (where I am presently employed) the moment I walked in their small office in Roxas Boulevard. It was love at first sight. Believe it or not but I waited for two months for this job. I thought they would never call me again. But boy, was I so thankful that they did.
Just this month, my eldest was confined in a hospital due to a host of illnesses. Thank God that he has finally (but not fully) recovered. We could at least welcome the new year together.
Looking back, there are still things that I am so thankful for in spite of the glitches of 2008. On top of the list is my husband who had been so understanding and supportive of me. He stepped up and provided for the family, allowing me to stay jobless longer than we could have afforded under normal circumstances.
There are my sisters who always came to my rescue, looking after their nephews during those times when we had no yaya. I am also thankful to my in-laws and my relatives.
Two days to go and we will all be welcoming 2009. We have high hopes for the coming year. I haven't listed down my resolution but I and my husband have set some goals for 2009 that we plan to achieve. After reaching rock bottom this year, there's no way but up and I am determined to do just that.
Why do Filipinos have mirrors on their desks?
10 years ago
2008 wasn't exactly the best year for me too...but it was the year that got me free from something that I've been trying to escape for years, so I'm still thankful for 2008. :) I'm sure 2009 offers better opportunities for us. :D
OO..im also very optimistic this 2009 especially since it's a lucky year daw for Monkeys (hay eto na nman ako, naniniwala sa mga manghuhula). Anyway, what are your plans for 2009? Are you really leaving your job?
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